Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog Stage Two

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014, the New York Times published an article titled Democrats Grab for a Chance to Halt Christie’s Rise. This article talks about the rise of  the Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, and the plan that members of the opposing party have made in an attempt to stop it. Democratic officials have stepped in with the intention of turning Governor Christie into a "toxic figure." The democrats have already gone as far as giving a message to any Republicans thinking of appearing with the New Jersey Governor by telling them that "his problems will become your problems." This article is not only interesting but it also definitely worth reading due to the fact that it discusses the latest agenda item of the Democratic Party and whether they can successfully accomplish their latest goal; putting out the rising fire that is Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey and "top Republican prospect for reclaiming the White House."

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